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There are two options for an abdominoplasty. I will discuss your desired results, and will determine the suitable procedure during the consultation.
– Complete abdominoplasty: A complete abdominoplasty takes two to five hours and is performed under general anesthesia.Read More
– Mini abdominoplasty: This partial tummy tuck is often performed on patients whose fat deposits are located below the navel and necessitates shorter incisions. Two incisions will be made: one from hipbone to hipbone close to the pubic area so that a bikini bottom will hide the scarring, and another incision around the navel. The skin will be separated from the abdominal muscles, which are then pulled together and stitched into place for a firmer abdomen and narrower waist. The skin flap is then stretched down and over the newly tightened muscles. Excess skin is removed, and the navel is reattached in a natural position. Finally, the incisions will be closed and sterile surgical dressings applied over the sutured areas.
During this procedure, it is most likely that the belly button won’t be moved. This procedure is similar to the regular abdominoplasty, except that it involves a smaller incision and the skin is only lifted. This procedure is ideal for patients who need a simple improvement to reach their desired results. You can discuss the differences between these procedures, as well as weigh their benefits and risks in order to decide which procedure is best for you.
Abdominoplasty is a major surgical procedure. The recovery time is long compared with other plastic surgeries and patients should expect one to three weeks before resuming a normal lifestyle.Read More
The abdomen will naturally be swollen and sore for the first few days. It is recommended that you begin walking a little bit every day in the first week and then build up to longer walks over the following weeks, to help prevent blood clot formation and ease swelling.
Refraining from smoking and following the instructions will help scars to heal and fade faster. It takes approximately nine months for the scars to lighten in color and flatten out like the rest of your skin, however, from right after the surgery, they won’t be visible when wearing your bathing suit or bikini.
Disclaimer: The info presented on this page is indicative and for generic use only. Each patient’s case is unique and will be studied by Dr. Chadi Murr for full assessment.