Welcome to Dr. Chadi Murr
Welcome to Dr. Chadi Murr
A dermoid cyst is a pocket-like lump that appears on the skin, usually at birth and develops slowly with age. Cysts usually appear on the face near the eyebrow. Read More
Dermoid cysts are harmless and painless, and removing them is only a matter of esthetics, especially when they grow on the face. However, if the cyst is disrupted and becomes infected, it can cause pain, discomfort and fever. In this case, it is recommended remove it through surgery.
Surgery is the best option for children who suffer from a disfiguring dermoid cyst on their faces, which might become a major cause of emotional distress. Read More
During consultation, I will examine the child’s cyst to make sure it is not connected to other tissues. A series of additional tests like CT scan may be required to get a clearer diagnosis on the child’s case and decide on the surgical approach accordingly.
How is it done?
According to the patient’s condition, the surgery can be done under general or local anesthesia and takes about an hour. An incision is made directly over the cyst. Read More
How long is the recovery?
A compressive bandage is applied over the wound to help reduce swelling. The child can resume a normal lifestyle on the day following the surgery and the stitches will be removed within a week. Read More
Disclaimer: The info presented on this page is indicative and for generic use only. Each patient’s case is unique and will be studied by Dr. Chadi Murr for full assessment.