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The patient will leave the hospital two or three days following surgery after the drains are removed, and will be able to resume work a week later and sports activities three weeks later.
Read MoreIn all cases, you will be given specific instructions on how to care for your surgical site, what medications to take in order to relieve the pain and reduce the risk of infections. Be sure to ask all the questions concerning what to expect during the recovery period.
Disclaimer: The info presented on this page is indicative and for generic use only. Each patient’s case is unique and will be studied by Dr. Chadi Murr for full assessment.
For many girls, tuberous breasts (also refereed to as snoopy breasts) can cause significant self-confidence problems, with potentially negative psychological consequences throughout womanhood. Therefore, correction is vital to mend both emotional and physical consequences.
The tuberous breast surgery is usually performed to correct the difference in breast size, shape, or nipple position.
Candidates who can benefit from this surgery are women who are above 18 years, not pregnant or nursing, and in good physical health.
Each tuberous breast case is a unique challenge. The main aim is not only to correct the balance in shape and size but also to restore the patient’s self-esteem and wellbeing in her daily activities.
Read MoreThe surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia and takes about two to three hours. An incision is confined either only around the nipple or around the nipple and down to the breast fold. Internal incisions are often made to release the tight breast tissue and create a space for the implant, which helps correct the puffy, enlarged areolas.
The objective is to reposition the breast fold by lowering it, expand the lower breast skin and tissue, reduce the diameter of the areola, and create round, natural appearing breasts with appropriate cleavage.
Usually, the above is achieved in a single procedure, and with the use of breast implants. Occasionally, if the skin is extremely tight, the process will require more than one surgery.
Average recovery time is between one to two weeks. Following the procedure, the patient might experience soreness and feel some pain when moving or lifting the arms. Read More
Patients will be able to resume their normal lifestyle within three weeks; however they should refrain from performing vigorous activities.
In all cases, you will be given specific instructions on how to care for your surgical site, what medications to take in order to relieve the pain and reduce the risk of infections. Be sure to ask all the questions concerning what to expect during the recovery period.
Disclaimer: The info presented on this page is indicative and for generic use only. Each patient’s case is unique and will be studied by Dr. Chadi Murr for full assessment.